Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mini - forex brokers

With the advent of technology, it has become possible for new and small investors to start currency trading. These investors do not have the huge capital that a conglomerate or an MNC (Multi-National Company) has. Therefore, such small investors are given an option of opening a mini forex account.

Mini-Forex Brokers allow investors to open their forex accounts by putting down a comparatively smaller down payment. The minimum requirement for actual forex trading is $100,000. Mini forex brokers may accept contracts as small as $10,000. Also, the margin in real forex trading is 1%, where as mini accounts may operate at around 0.5%. Many mini forex accounts can be opened with a deposit as low as $100.

A mini-forex broker offers the investor a quick and inexpensive way to trade from the comfort of home day and night. All the specifications remain the same, except that these trades are operated from a mini forex account.

For beginners, many online websites of these brokers offer demo or trial accounts that help the investor practice trading skills. These accounts also help increase the understanding of the functioning of the real time forex market.

Mini-forex brokers often guide their customers regarding the best trading options that could yield the most profit. The major factors to consider while choosing a mini forex broker are feedback from other traders about the broker, if the broker has insured his client's funds and the amount of commissions charged.

A trader's success in forex trading depends on the information they possess. Brokers keep traders informed of market fluctuations, which help them to take maximum advantage of the forex market.