Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stock exchange

Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange are major Stock Exchange is India. Like India there is uncountable investor's puts their money to grow. Stock market is also one of those places which provide growth to investor's money. Some of investors who want make money fast as they want they comes to stock market. Some times it is not shows growth due to some reason or factors otherwise it best way to give a chance to your money. Any stock market is also decides its countries growth u saw also in this world those country who have good stock market record they are leading.

Stock market always stay ahead from other resources if investments. It gives better return and as well as surety of your money but not all time because there are some factors are present at that place who really don't want that stock market do well.

Some times this market become tumble down and investors get fear by it but if they keep patience they can make good money because according to market rule u should go for buying in crush time because when the market go up you can get good profit form those buying which u done at tumble time.

Now our stock exchange provides other facilities like online buying or selling.It really helps to investor who are stay from stock market just because of time.

In these days Stock Exchange Board Of India also keep watching on Stock Exchange because in our past we saw some most powerful cases of cheating that why Stock Exchange Board Of India working for those investors who puts their blooded money in the market.